比萨 & Adelanto Community Members Organize to Bring Water Justice to the City
比萨社区参与中心, 罗伯特·雷德福保护区, 凯克科学, and CASA的比萨 collaborate in science and activism with students, 教师, 以及当地的合作伙伴
Imagine turning on a faucet and brown water coming out. 这就是发生在阿德兰托居民身上的事情, a city in the Mojave Desert with a population of 38,046 that includes a high proportion of immigrants and low-income 社区成员. Residents wanted to know more about the origins and safety of their water, 因此,一个由推荐十大正规网赌网站和社区组织组成的联盟与居民们联合起来回答这些问题.
听到报告后变色了, 奇怪的自来水, 阿德兰托市议员Stevevonna Evans于2021年秋季联系了比萨社区参与中心(CEC)主任Tricia Morgan ' 08. 在CEC, 摩根将比萨的学生和教师与当地组织联系起来,开展以社区为基础的研究和社会变革行动.
Evans and Morgan met when they both belonged to a community organizing group in the high desert. When Adelanto adopted a resolution in 2020 that declared racism as a public health crisis, 摩根帮助埃文斯找到了一位推荐十大正规网赌网站的学生,帮助埃文斯努力在这座城市建立多样性和包容性. Now, Evans sought support from 比萨 in forming a just water system in Adelanto.
埃文斯描述了北部的情况, where many people of color and low-income residents live, 老旧的基础设施和长期以来对褐水的抱怨被市政官员驳回了吗. 另外, Adelanto’s wells are near the George Air Force Base Superfund site, which has a high concentration of toxic chemicals.
“Before I got elected there was a report done and a budget set for $40 million to re-pipe Adelanto,埃文斯说。. “Six years later, nobody has started that project.”
一个公正的水系统公平地分配人们想要使用的水,并从对人类和地球都安全的水源中提取水. Water justice relies on including impacted communities in decision-making processes.
“的re was a report done and a budget set for $40 million to re-pipe Adelanto. Six years later, nobody has started that project.”
阿德兰托市议员Stevevonna Evans说
埃文斯和摩根很快发现,阿德兰托的水正义问题将吸引来自不同科学领域的推荐十大正规网赌网站社区成员, 环境保护论, 以及社会公正. 的 result was the Adelanto Water Justice Coalition. 该联盟包括罗伯特·雷德福南加州可持续发展保护协会和凯克科学学院, who incorporated testing the city’s water samples into their classes. 随着研究的发展,关键行动 & 社会倡导(CASA) 比萨通过与社区合作伙伴一起对阿德兰托居民进行采访并进行翻译来支持这些努力.
Connecting the classroom with real-world issues
杰森Tor, 他是凯克大学的实验室协调员,与艾琳·琼斯教授和伊桑·范·阿纳姆教授一起上生物和化学综合课, was looking for a project with a community partner. When Morgan informed him about Adelanto’s water issues, Tor invited Professor of Chemistry & 环境科学凯蒂·珀维斯·罗伯茨将她的高级化学课纳入其中,努力将学习与现实世界的问题解决联系起来.
托尔补充说:“史蒂夫娜放大镜头,对学生们充满热情和对社区的关心. 他们感到对这项工作有责任. Each water sample came from a different home with a real address and a real family. 学生们非常关心他们的成绩.”
Other 教师 and students also have joined the Adelanto Water Justice Coalition. 苏珊一个. 菲利普斯, professor of environmental analysis and director of the 罗伯特·雷德福保护区, encouraged 比萨 student Ella 迈耶 ’23 to do her thesis project about the coalition’s work.
“作为一个涉及水问题的、以正义为导向的环境项目,这是中国环保协会的专长,菲利普斯说。. “It made sense to involve a student—and now the list of students is growing.”
迈耶 started as a coordinator between Evans 和凯克 教师, 但随着新伙伴的加入,包括内陆移民正义联盟(IC4IJ),她的角色也越来越重要。, Unidos在阿德兰托市很穷, 和El Sol社区教育中心. 很快,梅耶就开始在推荐十大正规网赌网站和阿德兰托的许多组织之间安排每周的会议,她收集水样,并为一份社区水报告汇编研究和采访,这是她毕业论文的一部分.
“This is a collaborative, integrative effort,” said 迈耶. “人们有自己的理由成为这个项目的一部分,并把自己的资产带到这个空间,这让我感到很受鼓舞.”
She added that “IC4IJ is good at assessing the political sphere and immigrant rights. El Sol不断提升社区的声音,并将我们与该地区的领导人联系起来,从Unidos穷人到Adelanto memajor. CEC is good at managing different community relations. 的 Conservancy has a big environmental justice focus. 凯克就是科学,等等. 的 project harmoniously brought together these disciplines in a wonderful and impactful way.”
作为罗伯特·雷德福保护协会的成员, 迈耶将继续与市政官员会谈,并致力于建立一个供人们记录水质问题的自我报告地图系统. 迈耶, who is an environmental analysis and critical global studies major, hopes to continue her research and advocacy in water justice abroad after she graduates.
“I have engaged not only as a student but as an organizer who is passionate about these issues.”
联合政府公布了 社区用水报告 在夏季结束时提供社区证明和推荐十大正规网赌网站水中化学品和微生物污染物的主要调查结果以及暴露于环境危害的健康指标. 的 report provides recommendations to the city, 包括补贴过滤器, 社区供水委员会, 污染物修复.
This is only the beginning of their work according to Evans, who hopes “the precedent set by this coalition can transfer to other cities.”
比萨的学生Olivia Rosenberg-Chavez, 23岁, a double major in political studies and Spanish, 与迈耶合作,采访了讲西班牙语的阿德兰托社区成员,并翻译了最终报告. Rosenberg-Chavez became involved through her internship at IC4IJ through CASA的比萨, where she focused on the intersection of environmental justice and prison abolition.
“I have engaged not only as a student but as an organizer who is passionate about these issues,罗森伯格-查韦斯说. “我仔细思考了如何确保这个项目是可持续的,由社区主导的,并且在我离开比萨之后能够继续发展.”
According to IC4IJ High Desert Organizer Eddie Torres, 他们的工作从社区采访开始,转向为基层组织者提供宣传和研讨会. 随着联盟的形成, Torres and other members learned the importance of communication and a democratic process. For Torres, the coalition is another example of how the missions of IC4IJ and 比萨 align.
“比萨 creates students who are community focused, infusing the academic to better the Inland Empire as a whole,托雷斯说。.
Evans admires 比萨’s commitment to 社会责任 and environmental justice.
“It’s definitely a school I would want to attend,埃文斯说。. “任何人都在寻找一所能够培养对周围社区公民责任的大学, 匹泽是一个值得去的地方.”
菲利普斯指出,联盟中的中心和项目一直在做自己的优秀项目, 但他们的工作可以相互影响,为学生创造更有影响力的成果和机会, 教师, 社区成员, 、直辖市.”
至于推荐十大正规网赌网站的参与, 菲利普斯 said: “We’re taking the best of the Conservancy, CASA的比萨, CEC, 和凯克, 创造一些独特的东西. You’d be hard-pressed to find another liberal arts college that’s doing this.”
媒体研究副教授Ruti Talmor的生态纪录片课程的学生正在制作一部推荐十大正规网赌网站这些努力的短纪录片,将这种合作关系扩展到包括校际媒体研究. 这部电影将于今年12月放映.
比萨 College is a nationally top-ranked undergraduate liberal arts and sciences institution. 克莱蒙特学院的成员, 比萨通过将知识探究与跨学科研究联系起来,为文科教育提供了一种独特的方法, 文化感受, 社会责任, 社区参与. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.比萨.edu.
推荐十大正规网赌网站W.M. 凯克科学系
的 W.M. 凯克科学系 跨学科是所有生物学的家园吗, 化学, 和物理系的教授, 克莱蒙特麦肯纳和斯克里普斯学院. 的 department is administered cooperatively and is housed within an 81,000-square-foot center located at the intersection of the three colleges. 的 department offers 13 discrete degree options, 包括与工程学院合作的双学位课程,以及与科学以外的学科合作的专业. W.M. 凯克科学系提供全面, 以小班授课的跨学科教学,为学生提供大量的研究机会.
- 社区参与中心
- 罗伯特·雷德福保护区 for Southern California
- 关键行动+社会倡导(CASA)