


The Pitzer在哥斯达黎加的学期项目 is a great option for students who want to develop their Spanish language abilities and have an interest in ecology, 环境研究, 生物学, 生态旅游, 社会学, 文化研究, 和人类学. 它为学生提供了发展西班牙语的机会, 探索各种关键生态系统, 深入了解哥斯达黎加的文化和历史. The program is affiliated with the Institute for Central American Development Studies (ICADS).

On the Pitzer in Costa Rica Semester program students explore both the urban and rural areas of Costa Rica. 学生们在首都圣何塞开始新学期. In the capital students take courses through the Institute for Central American Development Studies (ICADS) and engage in local community work. 然后,学生们将过渡到推荐十大正规网赌网站150英亩的热带雨林保护区 费尔斯通 恢复生态学中心 (FCRE). The FCRE is a 150- acre reserve in the tropical forest and an ecology center with a laboratory, 教室设施. 学生们在fre附近度过剩下的学期, 参与服务, 完成他们独立的研究项目. The various locations (urban and rural) along with the study trips to neighboring Central American countries provide a breadth of experiences. 


  • 学生必须在良好的学术地位,并有2.平均绩点在0或以上,4分.0规模. 
  • 强烈建议先学习西班牙语和/或课程. 
  • 该项目对匹泽学院的学生和非匹泽学院的本科生开放. 


  • 秋季:9月初至12月中旬
  • 春季:一月下旬至五月下旬

课程 & 学分




在项目的前五周, 学生参加核心课程的前半部分, 由ICADS举办的研讨会题为 拉丁美洲对正义和可持续发展的看法. 本课程包括讲座, 在圣何塞及其周边地区进行考察旅行, 讨论会议, 各种口服液, 互动和书面作业, 还有更长的学习之旅. 在圣何塞期间,学生们通常每天都有课.

The second half of the course will take place once students have transitioned to the 费尔斯通 Center. This half focuses on deepening a students’ understanding of Costa Rican culture through interviews, 与当地寄宿家庭一起进行民族志工作, 以及社区组织. 给推荐十大正规网赌网站学生的, 核心课程将满足匹泽的社会责任实践(SRX)的要求.


The Spanish language course begins in San José at the Institute for Central American Development Studies (ICADS), 学生将在项目的第一个月住在哪里. 在ICADS, 学生接受80小时的西班牙语教学, 接受哥斯达黎加文化讲座, 去圣何塞学习. Spanish classes continue when students transfer to the 费尔斯通 恢复生态学中心 (FCRE) focusing on developing oral proficiency in Spanish.


The 热带恢复与生态学 (TRE) course takes place in both Panama and Costa Rica. 野外和实验室工作主要集中在地面, 哥斯达黎加和巴拿马西南部的河口和海洋生态系统. 课程开始于巴拿马的学习之旅. While on the study trip students do a deep dive into marine ecology and observe the gradient of ecosystems, beginning with the input of biological productivity from the forests into island mangrove systems. 这次旅行有一个重要的实地工作组成部分,包括每天的浮潜旅行, 皮划艇, 和徒步旅行, 还有课堂讨论. After spending two weeks in Panama students transition to the 费尔斯通 Center where they focus on the tropical restoration ecology portion of the course. 利用fre作为生物野外工作站, the course provides a field-intensive exploration of the terrestrial and marine ecology of the neotropical region. 这门课程包括自然地理, 生物多样性理论, 以及数据收集和分析的实用方法. Special emphasis is given to the theory of restoration and its practice on the property of the 费尔斯通 Center. 本课程满足匹泽学院自然科学专业的毕业要求. 对于已完成入门生物学课程的学生, the course can be counted as an upper division Keck Biology and EA-Science elective by arrangement with the instructor. 


This course takes place at the FCRE and is designed to explore special topics in relation to the rich cultural and ecological resources available at the 费尔斯通 Center, 它的邻近社区, 以及当地的保护区. 主题每年都在变化,但可能包括保护政策和治理, 农业生态学, 以及保护区. Each course segment is taught as an intensive seminar that combines theoretical considerations, 案例研究, 方法, 和实地考察. 


Students may focus on one aspect of human or tropical restoration ecology to study in greater depth through an independent research project or internship. Students may also participate in one of the longitudinal research projects set up by scholars from the U.S. and Costa Rica that contribute to the biological baseline assessment for the property. 有些主题可能有先决条件. All projects take place in the area surrounding the 费尔斯通 Center and require a final written report with a significant analytical component as well as other appropriate documentation of learning. 

Costa Rican family stays provide a window into the culture as the families include students in their daily lives. Often relationships developed with host family members turn into friendships that last long past the end of the program. 学生在哥斯达黎加的学期将有两次家庭住宿.


The first will take place in San José while students study Spanish intensively and take the first portion of their core class through ICADS. The San José families typi呼叫y live within thirty minutes walking distance of ICADS. Two students are generally assigned to homes close together so they have someone to walk with to class every day and can share taxi rides home at night.


The second family stay will be with a family in the smaller towns of Dominical or Platanillo near the 费尔斯通 Center. Students are encouraged to see their host families as co-educators on the program along with staff and faculty and take advantage of the opportunity host families provide to deepen culture and language learning as well as explore important topics and issues covered in the course. Students stay with their host families in Dominical and Platanillo for the remainder of the semester.

广泛的考察旅行计划,以提高课程. 游学是教育计划的重要组成部分. 每学期的旅行略有不同,在前几个学期,学习旅行包括:

  • Limón和哥斯达黎加加勒比海一侧的瓜纳卡斯特
  • 巴拿马的博卡斯德尔托罗群岛, 由12个岛屿组成, 热带雨林在哪里与大海相接
  • The Sierpe River, one of Costa Rica’s most important river systems and a mecca for biodiversity
  • 哥斯达黎加的国家公园,如Caño岛和Marina Ballena国家公园





护照: 这个项目的每个人都需要护照. 检查过期日期. If you do not have a passport valid for six months after your planned return from study abroad, 那么你需要更新护照.

方向: 在学生申请并被录取之后, 他们将在前往哥斯达黎加之前参加一个项目培训. Orientations are required and designed to ensure students get the most out of the study abroad experience. They provide cultural context, health and safety information, and academic guidelines. 在方向, 学生将收到特定于课程的详细信息,包括课程日期, 航班安排, 免疫文档, 安全指导方针, 还有手册.

签证: 通常情况下,学生可以在抵达哥斯达黎加时获得签证. 然而,签证程序可以改变. Students are responsible for researching country specific information and the visa process.